Mating Time II – Great Bowerbird

Mating Time II – Great Bowerbirdby Laura Castell

Multiblock linocutĀ  and woodblock

Edition Qty: 10

Great bowerbirds are common in North Queensland. The males build a fascinating bower to attract the females for mating. To adorn the bowers the males find human made objects of interesting shapes and colours.

39 x 46 cm

$670.00 inc. GST

2 in stock

About the artist

Laura Castell is originally from Venezuela and has lived in Australia for 24 years. Originally trained as a biologist has recently become a full time artist. Her interests revolve around nature and social issues.

Originally trained as a biologist has recently become a full time artist. Her interests revolve around nature and social issues. Works on a variety of media, with relief printmaking a strong focus in her work.

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