
Make a Donation

ACNC Registered Charity Tick
Umbrella Studio contemporary arts is registered as a Deductible Gift Recipient (DGR) with the Australian Taxation Office. Donations to Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts are tax deductible for amounts of $2 or more.

Together since 1986 Umbrella members and supporters have created a vibrant community of participating, sharing and innovation.

We take pride in our unique part of the world and celebrate our difference.  We strive to create a vibrant city by supporting the arts in education, job creation, skills development and community engagement.

Umbrella is its members and supporters and continues on with support from people like you.

Income from donations is not used for any administrative costs, which means that 100 % of your donation will go directly towards one of our arts initiatives.

New for 2020: Ongoing donations make the most impact, so consider joining one of our donor circles:

$500+ Donation – Friends Circle – Name published on the Umbrella website and in the next Annual Report.

$1,000+ Donation – Benefactors Circle – Name published on the Umbrella website and in the next Annual Report, plus a gallery tour with the Director and artist guest.

If you’re not comfortable donating on our website, you can direct credit our bank account:

BSB: 064-817
Ac: 00922059

Ac Name: Umbrella Studio

Reference: Please use your first initial and last name, plus “Donation”. For example:

“J Smith Donation”. Then use the contact page of the website to let us know so we can send you a receipt.


Suggested Price:$50.00

Minimum Price:$1.00

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    Umbrella has moved to a new website. This website is only kept online as an archive of exhibitions and events.