
Exhibition Proposals

Applications are assessed twice a year. 

Umbrella invites exhibition proposals from established and emerging contemporary visual artists and curators seeking to present new and original work in a professional gallery environment. Applications are usually accepted at any time, however the next assessment panel will meet in early- to mid-2021. We are currently updating the application form and process to better meet our needs and so that artists can represent their proposals better. To help guide you in the meantime, please see a downloadable version of our previous form here and consider options for public programs in conjunction with your proposed exhibition. When the updated form is finalised (early 2021), it will be included below.

Applications will be considered for 2022 onwards however smaller projects may be considered for earlier slots. An exhibition sub-committee assesses proposals / applications. Successful applicants will receive a letter detailing their exhibition arrangements.

As a rough guide there are three exhibition spaces for applications: Space 1 (large), Space 2 (medium), Space 3 (small). Different terms and conditions apply for the use of each of these spaces. You are required to be an Umbrella member to exhibit at Umbrella Studio. To become a member, click here.

Please note Umbrella Studio has recently moved to a new home at 408 Flinders St. Information about space sizes, layouts and their Terms of Use, Application Form and Exhibition Contractual Arrangements are available here:
Submit the Online Exhibition Application Form.
Download the Exhibition Handbook (including space dimensions and images) | Applicants and exhibitors must refer to and adhere to this handbook and the guidelines within. Please refer to the forthcoming updated version.
Download the updated Artist Fee Policy
Download the Commission Policy (Links disabled – see note above).

Umbrella strongly encourages proposals from emerging artists, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artists and linguistically diverse and differently-abled artists.  Should you require support or an alternate proposal method to meet your needs please contact us. If you are a non-Indigenous artist and your proposed artworks for exhibition containing Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander subject matter you will need to explain your process for obtaining permission to use Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.  Excellent resources to support you in this can be found here and here.




Umbrella has moved to a new website. This website is only kept online as an archive of exhibitions and events.