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Jenny Mulcahy – Liminal Space

14 August, 2020 - 27 September, 2020

| See below for prices

Umbrella is responding to government restrictions for gatherings at this time and visitors must comply with our COVID-19 Safety Plan. Umbrella’s updated opening hours from Sunday 9 August 2020:  Tues-Fri 9am-5pm | Sat-Sun 9am-1pm | Gallery closed Mondays, public holidays and during exhibition install weeks | Shop open during gallery  open hours and Tues-Thurs of install weeks. Follow our social media for updates.

Our world is in the midst of a mass extinction of life with scientists estimating we lose 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal every 24 hours. Liminal Space explores issues of extinction and de-extinction while questioning those political decisions that place our environment in jeopardy.

This exhibition follows from Jenny Mulcahy’s At-Home Artist-in-Residence (AHAIR) program.
Download your exhibition eInvitation here. | Download a web version of the catalogue here.

Exhibition Launch event from 6pm Friday 14 August 2020.
Umbrella can have 72 people attend at a time (based on the one person per 4 square metres Queensland government regulation) so we will be enabling visitors to book for one or more slot.
Please book your attendance below for each half-hour slot that you intend to be here for. You will need to provide your contact details for each visitor. Feel free to invite your contacts via the Facebook event, however they will need to book here to confirm attendance. Please also join our eNews or follow our social media for updates.

Artist Floortalks 10:30am Sunday 16 August 2020

Exhibitions and Creative Sparks projects also on display 14 August – 27 September: Our Internal Shadows (Tony Lamont) | Ngumban (Susan Peters) | Semiotics of the Bathroom (Sonia Ward)

Image: Jenny Mulcahy, Trough series #2 Collusion (detail), transfer prints and underglaze on ceramics, beads and found materials, variable dimensions.


14 August, 2020
27 September, 2020
Event Category:


| Umbrella Studio Contemporary Arts |
408 Flinders St
Townsville, QLD 4810 Australia

Umbrella has moved to a new website. This website is only kept online as an archive of exhibitions and events.