
Flow: Sculpture by the Sea


In October artist/Member Jan Hynes, Christine Harding and I flew to Sydney to assist Alison McDonald with the install of FLOW in the Sculpture by the Sea exhibition. It took a crew of Alison, her husband, the three of us ladies, a fork lift and three additional helpers to move the 12 meter artwork in its assigned position. It was a blazing hot day and what a funny site we would have been, walking in single file while carrying the rolled up blanket of plastic caps along the Tamarama cliffs, then hoisting it  and ourselves over fences. We had a crew on the top and at the bottom communicating about placement, measurement and then slowly rolling it into place carefully without dropping it into the ocean or on top of an unsuspecting jogger.

FLOW put Townsville on the map, with only four Queenslanders out of 106 exhibiting artists from around the world. Well done Alison; so proud of you.

Vicki Salisbury

  1. Jill O'Sullivan says:

    Wonderful Alison , I’m very proud of you too

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