
LUXLUMIN – lighting up the CBD




Luxlumin is a city wide digital projection festival. On 26 and 27 September 2014  the Townsville CBD will be transformed into an outdoor gallery as buildings are covered with light, colour and moving images. International, national and local artists will create mesmerizing works to electrify our city for two spectacular nights of free entertainment in Palmer Street, Victoria Bridge, Flinders Square, Sturt and Flinders Streets. Come enjoy a stroll on one of our guided tours or walk your own path and see the city in a new light!

Umbrella Studio will be contributing to the festival by partnering with ABC OPEN to project local stories produced by local film makers entitled MEET YOUR NEIGHBOURS: LIFE IN NORTH QUEENSLAND. This will light up the east side wall of the Umbrella building.

Since January 2011, ABC Open producer Michael Bromage has been helping residents of north Queensland develop digital storytelling skills and knowledge so they can share their stories on the ABC. Through free workshops and the ABC Open website, north Queensland residents have contributed thousands of stories in writing, photography, radio and video formats with many films featured on national and international television.

Exhibition Opening 7.30pm Friday 26 September – Townsville Bulletin Square, Flinders Street


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Umbrella has moved to a new website. This website is only kept online as an archive of exhibitions and events.