
Pasifika Indigenous Arts Alliance Art Exhibition




Support local Indigenous artists by attending the Pasifika Indigenous Arts Alliance Art Exhibition at the Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre over the Christmas break. It opens next week on 5 December and is on display until 16 January 2015.

This exhibition is the first of many planned for the Pasifika Indigenous Arts Alliance Association (PIAA) The Association is made up of both Pacific Indigenous artists and arts lovers. To be exhibited will not only be artworks from the Oceania region but also carvings, films, music, dance and readings. There is also a plan to have workshops. The exhibition is a collaboration between our association and the Townsville Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Cultural Centre who have kindly donated space in the centre for this exhibition.PIAA is a non-profit Association with the proceeds of arts sales going straight to the artists. Donated funds will be given to a very worthwhile project “The Forgotten People”, a documentary being directed and produced by Brent Macpherson, himself a deaf man. This documentary (currently being filmed in Solomon islands) is potentially a world first focused on deaf indigenous peoples in Solomon islands, PNG, First Nation’s Australians and New Zealand Maori children and adults.

  1. Garry Scott says:

    Thanks for advertsing our exhibtion on your site – only fouund out now – much apprecaited.
    Garry Scott

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