
Umbrella represents at MagnetiCon



In early July, Umbrella participated in MagnetiCon, Townsville’s first-ever first popular culture convention. MagnetiCon saw over 2,000 visitors over its two days, with specialty shops, cosplay, laser tag and wrestling. Umbrella sold dozens of zines, comics, artwork and apparel, distinguishing itself by offering small-run, artist made alternative and underground press. In association with this event, we held a Creative Business Workshop, thanks to a Townsville City Council RADF grant. Facilitating the workshop were young entrepreneurs Vlada Edirippulige and Phoebe Sheehy, who run Junky Comics and Phoebe Paradise respectively, both successful creative business in their own right. The weekend was an excellent learning curve for all concerned, and Umbrella hopes to do similar things in the near future!

Umbrella has moved to a new website. This website is only kept online as an archive of exhibitions and events.