
Pop Up North Queensland Festival update


Expressions of interest to participate in Pop-Up North Queensland closed on Friday 19 May 2017 and we received our target of 30 artists! Thank you to everyone who have shown interest and put in an application!

So many exciting and unique applications were received including a wide variety of painting styles, photography, printmaking, puppetry games and performances, textile art, ceramics, sculpture, film, and bar fly talks including a pop-up bar.

Artists also expressed interest in holding workshops in fabric dying, drawing, petal couture, painting, nautical knotting, and weaving, woven milk crates and building an onsite Trojan Horse. Pop-Ups will also feature artists in action in areas of painting, printmaking, pottery, drawing and photography such as creating 100 portraits on 100 different lenses (of visitors to the festival)!

Several empty shops have been secured in the CBD such as Northtown, Flinders Street, Denham Street, and Stokes Street.  Artists will be given more details about their space over the next few weeks.

Our fingers are crossed that we will be able to fund this event again next year. If you have any comments, suggestions or feedback about the festival so far please get in touch with Linda Yeo – Special Events Coordinator on 4772 7109.

Also, check out the website on a regular basis as we start to add more to the program

Umbrella has moved to a new website. This website is only kept online as an archive of exhibitions and events.